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Showing posts from September, 2014

Pinoy Storage Hack Guide

Pinoys love to put away stuff for long period just in case they will be needed in the future. It’s a good concept but only as long as the things you put away stay in good condition and in manageable space. You’ll never need a shipping company in the Philippines to ever relocate your goods elsewhere nor will you need moving people: all you need are desiccants and tons of tissue paper rolls. Put a desiccant Desiccants are those little packets or mysterious whatever stuff you find in food packaging (mostly imported Japanese processed food) with a warning that it is not edible and that it should not be eaten. Desiccants are activated carbon that absorbs moisture from the air. Moisture aids in the decomposition of materials that’s why desiccants are placed well inside food packs to help protect them from moisture related spoilage. Use a desiccant in boxes that you need to protect from moisture in the air. Leather shoes can go brittle with moisture. Personally, I use desic...