Pinoys love to put away stuff for long period just in case
they will be needed in the future. It’s a good concept but only as long as the
things you put away stay in good condition and in manageable space. You’ll
never need a shipping company in the Philippines to ever relocate your goods
elsewhere nor will you need moving people: all you need are desiccants and tons
of tissue paper rolls.
Put a desiccant
Desiccants are those little packets or mysterious whatever
stuff you find in food packaging (mostly imported Japanese processed food) with
a warning that it is not edible and that it should not be eaten. Desiccants are
activated carbon that absorbs moisture from the air. Moisture aids in the
decomposition of materials that’s why desiccants are placed well inside food
packs to help protect them from moisture related spoilage.
Use a desiccant in boxes that you need to protect from
moisture in the air. Leather shoes can go brittle with moisture. Personally, I
use desiccants in my boxes of trading cards because trapped moisture inside the
box can easily destroy them.
Use a tic-tac dispenser
Tic-tac dispensers are small, durable, and convenient. That
is why Tic-tacs are easy go-to candies. Given the versatility of the
dispensers, they can be repurposed to contain and manage a great number of
things like small nails, needles, your earphones, condiments and spices,
glitters, pins, ribbons—most small things that need be dispensed.
Repurpose tissue cartons
and Pringles cans
A tissue roll’s middle carton, when collected and stacked
upon each other can be a good space saving organizer. It’s cheap, it’s easy to
acquire (depending on how much tissue you consume), and with a little bit of
imagination, it can look awesome. In the same manner that tissue rolls can be
turned into organizers, Pringles cans can also be alternative spaces. Pringles
cans are perfect for the same things that you can put in a tissue roll but the
cans have the added bonus of a lid. Use a can for your pasta or marbles or
homemade Pringles.
Probably one of my most favorite hacks of all time; no need
to wait too long for your beer to get cold in the freezer! Just wrap it with a
wet tissue paper. Although do take into consideration some factors that physics
says will make this actually helpful.
Make sure that the tissue is wetted with hot water. Hot
water is evaporating and it is this evaporation that will cause the tissue to
freeze faster thus will make your beer icy-licious. Also, make sure there are
tiny air pocket spaces in between the bottle and the paper so that the process
does not invert into the paper freezing over while the beer is insulated